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Rules &

For the Parents

  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in maintaining punctuality, regularity and discipline.

  • Parents are required to see their child’s School Diary every day and ensure that the homework and the lesson assigned for the next day are completed by their wards on a regular basis.

  • Remarks made in the School diary should be acknowledged and counter-signed regularly by the parents.

  • Parents are required to inform the school of any change in their address.

  • Parents are not allowed to meet their wards or the teachers during School hours without prior permission of the Principal.

  • Expensive jewelry must not be worn and costly articles should not be brought to school.

  • Students should not bring electronic devices, objectionable books or magazines, pictures etc. to school.

  • Carrying mobile phones to school by the students is strictly prohibited. All communications with the student or guardians should be made through the school phone.

  • The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes etc. Each child is responsible for his/her belongings.

  • A child will not be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours. Only at the time of emergency the child will be allowed to go on written requests from the parents.

  • Parents/guardians should ensure that their wards are collected at the right time. Parents or their servants are not allowed to enter in any classroom. Students will be handed over to their parents only at the gate.

  • Though the school takes all possible care to ensure the safety and security of the students yet the school authorities will not be held responsible for any injury (fatal or otherwise) sustained by any student during organised activities taken up inside or outside or during transit from home to school and back.

  • Only First Aid shall be provided in such cases. All major expenses will be the sole responsibility of the parent / guardian.

  • Parents should be vigilant towards the activities of their wards inside and outside the school.


Code of Conduct

1. It is imperative for all the students to attend the Morning assembly.
2. At the first warning bell before assembly, the students and teachers are expected to proceed briskly for the assembly.
3. Students should keep to their left while using the corridors or staircases.
4. The students must maintain complete silence and move in an orderly manner while going for P.T., Library etc. Likewise, silence must be observed during the change of periods.
5. All the non-sikh boys must go for a proper haircut on a regular basis. Except for the sikh boys, keeping long hair is not allowed.
6. No jewellery should be worn by the girls in the school. They must not apply nail polish, kajal etc. and should wear skirts of a specified length i.e. one inch above the knees.
7. Any student found using unfair means during test or examinations will be marked zero in the subject. Repitition of the same offence may result in dismissal from the school.
8. English is the medium of instruction and students must speak only in English in the school premises to acquire a good command over the language.
9. Damage to school property will have to be compensated by the concerned student.
10. Students must take care of the school property and must not scratch or spoil the desk and chairs, write on the walls or bring damage to any other school property.



The students are required to enter the school premises strictly in accordance to the prescribed school uniform. The students wearing dirty, un-ironed, torn or badly worn out school uniform may not be allowed to attend the classes or may be sent back home to maintain proper decorum and discipline.




  • Navy Blue Terrycot Shorts – For boys upto class V

  • Navy Blue Terrycot Trousers – For boys from Class VI and above

  • Box Pleated Navy Blue Tunics – For girls upto class V

  • Box Pleated Navy Blue Skirts – For girls from class VI to VIII

  • Navy Blue Kurta – For girls from class IX to XII

  • White Salwar & White Dupatta(Malmal) – For girls from class IX to XII

  • Half Sleeved White Terrycot Shirts – For boys

  • Half Sleeved White Terrycot Blouses – For girls

  • School Tie and Belt – For boys and girls

  • White Socks – For boys and girls

  • Black Oxford Pattern Leather Shoes – For boys

  • Black Buckled Strap Leather Shoes – For girls

  • Black Ribbon – For girls

  • P. T. Uniform (Boys and Girls I to XII)

  • T-Shirt as per House Colour

  • Approved Colour Lower

  • White Socks

  • White Canvas Shoes



In addition to the Summer uniform, the following dress has to be worn :-

  • Navy Blue Blazer (single breast) with brass buttons and monogram

  • Navy Blue School Pullover (sleeveless)

  • Full Sleeved White Terrycot Shirts instead of half

  • Steel Grey Woollen Trousers instead of shorts (for boys)

  • Steel Grey Woollen Trousers (for girls upto class V)

  • Steel Grey Woollen Skirts (for girls from class VI to VIII)

  • Steel Grey Woollen Kurta (for girls from class IX to XII)

  • White Salwar & White Dupatta (Malmal) (for girls from class IX to XII)

  • White Stockings for girls


Code of Conduct

Examinations and Promotion

The school will prepare students for ICSE & ISC Examinations. Promotion will be granted on the basis of the students performance in the Cumulative Assessment Tests.

1. The examination schedule for the session is as given below :
(i) Playgroup to Upper K.G. – Half yearly and final examinations.
(ii) Class I to VIII – Unit Test-1 (Two rounds of class tests), Half-yearly examinations, Unit Test-2 (Two rounds of class tests), Final examinations.
(iii) Class IX – Unit Test-1 (Two rounds of class tests), Half-yearly examinations, Unit Test-2, Final examinations.
(iv) Class XI – Unit Test-1, Half-yearly examinations, Unit Test-2, Final examinations.
(v) Class X & XII – Two Comparative examinations and two Pre-boards.

2. Promotion is granted on the basis of the student’s performance throughout the year and securing a minimum of 40% marks in each subject in the Cumulative Assessment tests.


School Timings


Pre-Primary – 8:00 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. (Monday to Friday)
*Saturday – No classes

Class I to XII
7.20 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
7.20 a.m. to 12.20 p.m (Saturday)


Pre-Primary – 8.50 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
*Saturday – No classes

Class I to XII
7.50 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.(Monday to Friday)
7.50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. (Saturday)

School Timings
  • telephone-call
  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
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